Saturday, July 31, 2010


Came across a wonderful blog, that I hope all visit. I found the above video on that blog. In her blog Kathryn Cassidy says the following:

"The ramifications of the discoveries mentioned in this one video are stupendous. Neuroscientist V.S. Ramachandran speaks of mirror neurons and his findings exactly 'mirror' what was postulated by the brilliant theoretician Peter Russell a few decades ago. Peter has been involved in the exploration and development of human consciousness for many years and is author of the must-read book The Global Brain. This book first hit the shelves in the 1980's but was republished in 2008 as The Global Brain: The Awakening Earth in a New Century.

Within this Peter Russell cites the fact that there are approximately the same number of nerve cells in a human brain as there are individual minds on this planet and proceeds to a discussion about the way the human brain and humanity appear to be evolving in parallel to each other and this is mirrored in the ever increasing connectivity of the Internet. Speaking of the future, Peter wrote: "No longer will we perceive ourselves as isolated individuals, we will know ourselves to be part of a rapidly integrating global network, the nerve cells of an awakening global brain"

Kathryn then writes about the following:

RECORDED FUTURES- The CIA use companies that predict the future!

"In last weeks edition, and in previous ones, I mentioned that current planetary alignments correlate to the subject of mining. This week the subject of data mining came to the fore. The CIA are making use of data mining programmes which enable them to monitor things such as words or phrases which are being repeatedly used and peaking across global Internet traffic. The CIA use a company called Recorded Futures and obviously they are trying to gather intelligence which could help them thwart incidents such as terrorist attacks. However I have also heard of these systems being used to predict events such as financial crashes. Apparently - and this is all totally in synch with what the Neuroscientists are discovering in the article above this one - when there is a spike in words (like broke, worried, no money, depression, loans etc) amongst the general populace it if often as if the global mind is either tuning into advance events OR, in a spike of enough people having the same thoughts, perhaps the energy changes future reality ( that's in the realm of quantum physics). Either way the increase in the use of words and chatter about fear around finances often precedes.the actual downturn. I recall reading that just before 9/11 there was a spike in words across the globe such as Plane crash, trade, terrorism and collapse**. Data Mining in this way does seem to have a future."

This seems exactly what the so called "BOT" predictions are all about. Form, or reality, is following thought. So what does this have to do with 2012? Clearly, ideas are forming in the human consciousness that are creating a new reality. Some, would have a consciousness of fear-this will lead to the worst of the possible 2012 scenarios. Then, there are those who are diligently warning of this consequence and are trying to build a mirror neuron of peace, love and light. Certainly, this is a time of great choosing. A time when consumer ideas totally alter the direction of the economy. A time when religion tries to maintain its stranglehold on the masses. A time when the far right tries to re-kindle old hatreds and fears. What will you mirror. What reality will you create? What will Book III of the Waking God Trilogy say about all of this. Stay tuned-these are interesting times.

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