Thursday, January 12, 2012


The first thing to do is not to panic. There will be no destruction of the entire planet and no rapture with billions left behind. However, if you at followed the news in 2011 and extend those events more dramatically into 2012, you will have a sense of what may happen in the coming months. Economies can’t rebound anymore as they are based upon false premises and the lies are rapidly catching up with themselves. As for climate change, we haven’t seen anything yet. Food production is becoming a major global issue as well as the supply of portable water. Those who have not been affected by a major and devastating storm have no clue what millions of others have experienced; their own personal Armageddon. Prophecies aside, these events have and will continue at an accelerated rate. More of this will occur in 2012.

Fear is your worst enemy in any crisis situation. In fact, fear will be the cause, as it has in the past, of much that will happen this coming year. You know yourself, wake up in a bad mood and the day is downhill from there. Wake up refreshed and happy and the day goes great. Now picture billions of people in a bad and fearful mood and …, well, you get the picture. Keep in mind, the inverse of this is also true. When things get bad enough, the latent power of the collective individual rises up and shakes off the chains that bind. It is just unfortunate that humanity lets things get so bad before it acts. So step one, stay calm and don’t buy into the fear. Like attracts like and if you get caught up in the frenzy, you may not get out.

Be prepared is step two. This does not mean put more money into savings, plan better for retirement and change your investment strategies. If the economy is in shambles, none of that matters. When we were hit by Hurricane Irene, we lost power for a week. We have a small generator to run basic appliances but it’s not big enough for the water pump. However, we always keep many gallons of water in storage. When most people plan for storms they think of drinking water, but do you know how water it takes to flush a toilet? We also have back up propane cook stoves and a sensible stock of canned and dried foods. Just knowing that you can weather a storm or other calamity reduces your fear factor. My advice is to keep enough stock on hand to get through a major disaster. What you may need will depend on your location, but if you are caught off guard, you may be in trouble. This is just common sense. And while you may think you aren’t in an area prone to weather/climate disasters, earthquakes can happen almost anywhere and most of your supplies come from areas that are prone to disasters. As far as cash and coin are concerned, having some on hand is not a bad thing, but in all likelihood, your skills or your things may be more important than money for a period of time. I am not trying to preach survivalist skills here but it never hurts to have dried/canned beans, rice, canned meats, PB, canned veggies, baking soda/powder, flour and fruit on hand. Also, if you have pets, they will also have needs. If in a cold climate can you get by if the furnace is out? Can you cook if no power? Do you have a medical emergency kit? Again, all common sense.

While you may manage to keep life and limb together with proper precautions, that is not the real issue in 2012. Sure, you want yourself and loved to be alive, but the band aid never cures the cut. In keeping with the concept in the “Matrix,” we are a virus on the planet. Like a cancer, we are killing our host: Earth. However, she’s a big girl and she will be around long after we’re gone as will other forms of life. We really are at a point, and somewhat past it, where each must choose how we will heal ourselves and the reality we created. So how does one avoid the worst? Here are some steps to take now:

1)Can’t say this enough: No Fear, No Panic. Either just attracts more of the same and can manifest in your life in many negative ways.
2)Set your intentions. If you don’t believe in the Law of Attraction, you are in trouble. Sorry, but you do create your reality and you are responsible for that reality. No finger pointing unless you’re looking in the mirror. Just humor me for these few short months and pretend that all is your life is your creation. Consider this an experiment that will not result in any negative consequence, but which may very well get you through the 2012 can throw at you. Every day, see yourself and those you love as safe, abundant, prosperous, filled with love, free of any ailment, immune to any negative events and protected and nurtured by a loving Universe that is ‘not out to get you.’
3)Act when guided. If an inner voice, intuition, gut feeling says to do something, DO IT! If it’s a move, job change, a change in habit or routine, an urge to visit or call someone, a desire to fulfill a dream, DO IT! When guided into action and you fail to act, the little voice get softer and softer. Listening to that urge, that voice, may well keep you safe and prosperous.
4)Be open to new ideas and ways of looking at the world. As we have all seen, fiction has often become reality. Be prepared to reject old ways of thinking, old paradigms and embrace new concepts. We have all been the victims of memes, cultural thought viruses that make us think we are powerless, there is no hope, and we don’t matter. Well, tell that to those who created the Arab Spring. Tell that to banks who have abandoned some new fees because people rose up. Tell that to the scientists and astronomers who are shaking the foundation of all previous thought. You not only do make a difference, you are the difference. The more that you accept that anything is possible, the more anything ‘is’ possible.
5)Participate by being in, but not of, this world. Number 4 is more of a personal step. This is more public. It doesn’t mean you have to hit the streets in protest, but it does mean that now is the time to make your intentions and feelings known to the world; help build a new meme, paradigm. Remember, you don’t want to be against something; that just adds more power to what you are against. What are you for? If you are reading this, you are on the internet. Are you for a better environment? Do you want clean and natural food for you and your children? Do you support clean energy, an end to pollution, peace, helping the poor, homeless, the hungry? Now is the time to promote and share your feelings. By being public about how you really feel, you are telling the Universe that you are serious about what you want. Form follows thought. What you focus on will attract the same. Actions can create results, inaction usually results in failure. Be in the world, but not of it. Don’t get emotionally caught up in headlines. But, if you don’t know the train is coming, you may not get off the tracks in time.
6)This may be a tough one for many, but there is no one who will save you. Just as you cannot blame anyone else for any troubles you may have, neither can you expect that someone or some thing is going to come along and get you out of any mess you may have created. You are responsible for your life; every last bit of it. You do not need saving. As a character in the Waking God Trilogy says, “It’s not about saving humanity, it never has been.” Get over the religious guilt trip; you are not evil by birth and in need of some kind of salvation. That is a cop out and the worn out dogma no longer serves you. You choose, every moment of your life, what the next moment will bring. If it were otherwise, you would just be a puppet on a string being played by some egotistical deity who just loves to torture its creation. And, if the aliens should come, they are probably not coming to save you either. Create you vision with all your heart and soul and miracles will be yours.

If you doubt any of these steps, I encourage you to do some research. Read some basic information on quantum physics. There is a lot out there that is not too technical and is easily understood. Look at what is really happening in medical research and discover the power of the mind to heal. Regardless of your politics, understand that ‘something’ is going on with the human spirit. From the Occupy movements to the Arab Spring, protests in Russia to the mass migration away from religious dogma, ‘something’ is happening. Read about climate change, look at the data, and see what is happening in the environment to plant and wildlife. Something big is going on. The ball is rolling down the hill and nothing will stop it. But, you do not have to be run over. You can choose to be out of the way and ensure that the ball never makes it to the top of the hill again. It is all happening now, now later!

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