Friday, November 27, 2009


Is WAKING GOD just fiction? Perhaps not. There are a growing number of stories, articles and studies that indicate that humanity is, indeed, on the cusp of a great change. We have postulated that we have a god seed that dwells within our mitochondrial DNA which contains genes that are awakening. This is our birth of Adam, the fulfillment of the promise of the Tarot Code and ancient prophecies.

In an email promoting her Joshua Tree on the Mesa, 22nd Annual Joshua Tree Gathering/, May27-30, 2010, Lynn Andrews says:

"We are living in a time in human history when all things are
shifting, and we feel it in our world and in our lives every single
day. “2012,” the ancient Mayan “end of days,” doesn’t just
occur out of nowhere. It marks a giant shift in human consciousness
that has been predicted throughout the ancient texts. Which way will
this shift go? Making that determination is the responsibility of you,
me and every single person alive today.

We are in the middle of this great shift and change now, and it is
why our lives are so speeded up. The line-up of astronomical forces in
the universe has sped up our existence to such a fast pace that we
realize we need to learn these ancient healing secrets now or they are
in danger of being lost to humanity forever.

You will learn how to heal your own mitochondria, the nucleus of your
cells which is also the nucleus of your soul. Your mitochondria are
the life force that keeps you alive, and it is time for you to heal,
renew and refurbish them from all of the chaos of your life."

And, in an article by Michael Garfield, http://www.realitys node/29038
This article originally appeared in H+ Magazine. Let A Hundred Futures Bloom: A "Both/And" Survey Of Transhumanist Speculation. he says:

"By Natural Quantum Evolution
One option in particular seems to get short shrift by a community that tends to believe we will lift ourselves up into a posthuman order by our own bootstraps… but if the future even modestly resembles the past, then we cannot neglect the possibility that nature will do the heavy lifting for us. recent research at UC Berkeley and Washington University has demonstrated that photosynthesis is 95% efficient because it uses quantum computation to retroactively decide upon the best possible electron paths. Johnjoe McFadden at the University of Surrey has suggested that this very same process may have been how life emerged in the first place, and other scientists have noted similar, strangely intelligent mutation responses in lab cultures. Egan’s novel Teranesia runs with this new model of “smart evolution,” suggesting that we may see posthumanity spontaneously self-organize out of the quantum superposition of all possible futures -- as if good ideas reach backward in time to organize their necessary histories. Given the uncanny prescience of some sci-fi speculation, this might not be too far from the truth."

Can change be spontaneous? Can a great awakening occur almost overnight? Read, Spontaneous Evolution by Lipton and Bhaerman and Lipton's Biology of belief. Things are going to happen. They are happening now. How have your dreams been lately? Do you not feel it? How are you relating to those around you? Remember the 'sheep and goat' thing? Think about it.
The waking DNA.

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