Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Some of you may have read about the bird and the Hedron Collider-the bird from the future!!!! I think another eagle has landed in Deborah Denicola.

by Deborah Denicola is another of those newly released great books that will help guide you through the paradigm shift that we are now experiencing. I had the privilege of conducting an interview with Deborah. After the description of the book, read her responses to some probing questions that deal with religion, spirituality, good and evil, 2012 and more. I would add this to my “must have” holiday book list.


In a poetic memoir both personal and transpersonal, in our fearful post-911 era, Deborah DeNicola, among others, has predicted the world crisis we are now facing will initiate the global population into a new awareness of spiritual evolution.

In The Future That Brought Her Here, DeNicola undergoes three journeys which distill her private quest into esoteric knowledge. With references to String Theory and quantum physics, medieval history, the crusading Templar Knights, the Black Madonnas, The Church of Mary Magdalen and revelations from the Gnostic Gospels, DeNicola finds the common denominator of diverse mystery traditions, relating how dreams and creative process heal by expressing both individual and archetypal truths.

In this epoch of economic disaster, when three crucial cycles are simultaneously ending, The Future That Brought Her Here should reach a new audience, one not previously aligned with "New Age" ideas.

Deborah DeNicola is the author of five poetry collections and she edited the anthology Orpheus & Company; Contemporary Poems on Greek Mythology. Among other awards she won a Poetry Fellowship in 1997 from the National Endowment for the Arts. Deborah has been a recipient of many writing colony residencies. She also teaches dream image work and mentors writers online at her web site To purchase a copy of The Future That Brought Her Here and receive up to 20 bonus gifts, please visit:

(1)Do you really believe that there is such a thing as evil or is it just what we perceive as hurtful we label as evil? Does placing labels on polarized concepts actually bring these concepts into our reality?

I believe we’re in something like a matrix that is collectively created from our imagined fallen state. Though I didn’t always, I now subscribe to the philosophy of A Course in Miracles, which says that the Godhead separated itself in order to experience itself more fully and from the separated aspect (one could say us, or Adam and Eve) the thought of separation from Source was on day “thought.” In that “unholy” moment the thinkers of the thought experienced separation and the “ego” was born, because like Source, we had the powers of creation and manifestation.

However, the separation was an illusion. As soon as it was thought, it was undone because, since we are all one with Creator, separation was actually impossible. It never happened. But we remained in the illusion, out of guilt for our perceived attack on Source. That was the so-called “Fall.”. Heaven is here, we have just covered it up. Because we feared we had lost connection with Source, everything that is considered bad or evil came into being . . . out of the ego, out of Fear. During our entire history we’ve believed in separation and perpetuated it. But only Non-Duality is real. There is no world. It is all a projection made out of fear. We are insane and do not know it. Therefore, I do not believe in Evil per se, but it does appear that “ego,” which has projected its own fear , guilt and anger onto others, has created some horrendous events within the illusion.

(2)I do think it’s a label. Labeling or naming Evil as reality still cannot bring it into reality. Although it appears very real, there is no evil.

Collectively we experience the same things in the world because we are all one, the “Sonship”, as the Course calls us. Our journey is to undo the ego and get back to oneness with Source. We can do this through forgiveness and self-forgiveness, non-reaction, and asking for help from Spirit. Our world is a dream, or perhaps a nightmare is more apt a label. Labels separate and worsen the situation. We moved into form because we imagined we did. But “nothing unreal exists.” The only thing out there is Love. Adam is the Sonship. He fell asleep and has not yet awakened. But that is the task at hand now. Some have awakened and are helping others onto the spiritual path back to Oneness. When we stop projecting and own our own shadows, and forgive them, we will have the New Heaven on the New Earth. Many of us are involved in that awakening right now.

It’s best to stop labeling, polarizing and separating. As Jesus said, “Be in the world but not of it.” We need to accept what’s here. The first step in changing anything is accepting it. Then we can hold an intention for something better, visualize it, believe it will manifest and keep on doing the best we can within the illusion. It’s a tall order. There are a lot of paradoxical situations that can come of it. The Holy Spirit will help us if we call upon it when confronted with dilemma. Coming together in groups can be powerful to manifest change.

(3) Why do you feel that the spiritual paradigm is shifting now? Aside from ‘if not now, when,’ is there something special at this point in evolution?

This is the time foreseen by many prophets. Three huge cycles are coming to an end at once, overlaying each other. We have just changed millenniums from Pisces to Aquarius, there is also a 26,000 year cycle ending known as the equinoctial cycle where the poles shift as the earth’s axis wobbles. And there is the end of the Mayan calendar which is known to be the end of time. Not the end of the world as the new movie “2012” is portraying with terrible earth changes, although some challenging earth changes are likely, but the end of “time” as we know it, linear time. Some of us are likely going to leave our bodies and cross over into spirit (a.k.a die) if caught in the earth changes. But there is no death anyway. We can move back into spirit at any time. The exciting thing will be to be here and awaken collectively in our bodies.

We are multi-dimensional beings, several aspects of ourselves living parallel lives simultaneously. My theory is that when we become aware of those other lives, some kind of consciousness shift occurs. In some esoteric traditions, where these truths have been kept alive, but secret, we each belong to a group of souls known as the Monad. When we become aware of our oneness in the monad and then exponentially with other monads, we will be “enlightened” to our connections with one another and with Source. It has been predicted that there will be 1000 years of peace. Why only 1000 I wonder . . . I don’t know. I guess we should worry about that later.

(4)What do you feel will happen if the ‘masses’ are unwilling to move out of the Piscean Age?

They will be, they are already resistant, unwilling and in denial. There is enough information out there now to move out of dualistic thinking but many will not accept change. People are creatures of habit and don’t like to change their beliefs. So there will be, there is resistance. It will only make it more difficult for them, and in some cases, for us.

However long they want to resist change, their suffering will increase until finally they will have to choose change. The earth is not going to support duality anymore. Many of our systems are collapsing and will be replaced by more equitable and ethical systems. Meanwhile there may be a lot of pain in the adjustment depending how much we resist. Some say those unwilling ones will be left behind as the earth ascends into the 5th dimension and many of us go with her. But the old earth will be there and the resistant ones will have their lives go on as usual, perhaps with more suffering and war and disease etc. I don’t venture to guess how the “ascension” is going to happen, but I know it is happening.

I’d like to think that the changed behaviors of some of us will affect the unwilling ones and they will embrace the move into oneness if they are exposed to it. I think it’s a done deal. It’s going to happen, exactly when or how gradually, I don’t think any of us can stay.

But you can stay behind in pain and resistance relying only on your intellect and reason and all that the invention of the ego created. Or you can intuitively feel the difference through the heart opening. Our bodies are changing. We are being bombarded with light, those of us who have agreed, because we have to give permission. Many of us have asked in our prayers, in our dreams or consciously to see the “light” so-to-speak.

And it’s not always comfortable. I am feeling and seeing this light and my body needs attuning on a regular basis. There is a lot of body work going on in the holistic communities and even in the gyms. I think that unconsciously many people are adjusting and intuitively moving onto the spiritual path before they consciously know it.

(5) Are religions ‘worn out dogma’ whose time has passed?

I think yes and no, but mostly yes. What we have been taught dogmatically has not always been correct. We have been led like sheep and given over control to hierarchies of power in the churches and temples. We have been taught that we are sinners. In Greek word for sin, “harmatia,” etymologically means “missing the mark,” or in other words, confused, off target. In that context we are not sinners, just ignorant of truth. People have not been taught about their own power to access Source directly. Instead intercessors or priests, rabbis, mullahs etc. have been given too much power.

The Secret Doctrine, the esoteric truths, the hidden occult traditions attest to the human power to access divinity. I believe there will be one church, the Church of Love and equality. John Lennon appears to be right about this. Already there are communities forming on this basis. The Unitarian Universalists are embracing this philosophy. There are centers for spiritual living, science of mind churches, noetic science centers, bringing spirituality together with science, physics especially.

(5)How do you define spirituality vis-à-vis religious?

Spirituality doesn’t recognize separation or levels of proximity to Source. Spiritual paths, and there are many, all lead to the same place, universal love. This love seems to be the basic cornerstone of all institutional religions, although they have strayed from it. The Christians have the Gnostic tradition and the Druidic tradition to look to. The Muslims have Sufism. The Buddhist path is basically love and acceptance. The Jews have the path of Kaballah. So traditional religions have love and self-actualization at their heart, relegated to an esoteric branch. Along the way through history, however, when dogma was born, because we believe ourselves to be imperfect, because we fear differences, our leaders too lived with fear and misled us.

(6)Do you feel that quantum physics is becoming increasingly supportive of the basic tenets of spirituality? Will they accept an Intelligent Universe concept?

Yes! I do feel that more of the natural laws of the universe like the Law of Attraction, and laws of manifestation are being proven by scientists. Dr. Emoto’s book on water crystals shows how intentional thoughts, positive or negative, had different effects on the crystals. We appear to be learning that thoughts have power and if a certain thought is repeated enough times with great emotion, it will most certainly manifest. There is still a lot of suspicion and criticism in the scientific community but Edgar Mitchell’s Institute of Noetic Science is setting up numerous experiments in the field of thought forms. I can’t predict when main stream science will accept an Intelligent Universe concept. But I know a lot of skeptical scientists like my brother, for instance, who is a botonist and not in agreement with much of my thinking, but who says nonetheless, it is obvious there is a superior intelligence at work in nature. Maybe Source is nature. To me it seems a silly argument. Intelligent Design and Creation theory can both be true. I think the sooner we leave dualistic thinking we will find more agreement around “both and” than “even or.”

(7)Have sacred texts been the purloined letter containing basic ‘truths’ about the Universe?

I’m not familiar with all sacred texts in great depth but it does seem that the hidden traditions have carried forth the same message, even through the mysterious practice of alchemy. They all seem to imply that there is a lot of “maya” or illusion in our 3-D world, that we have been disempowered by our false beliefs, that we all are indeed part of the Divine. My study has been focused on the Gnostic Gospels found in the Nag Hammadi Library. I stumbled across these through Jungian studies as Jung was quite interested in them, even owned some texts he found in the black market. Some of these are quite apocryphal, more mythical. Yet myth is true in a very symbolic way. Much of the truth is delivered in myth through metaphor, parables, what have you.

(8) Do you feel that John’s words in the Gospel of Thomas supports the deeper meaning in what has become known as The Secret?

If we are referring to the Kingdom of Heaven being here, the answer is yes. John also says two men might be standing in a field and only one might see it, (the kingdom). That statement may be about perspective. Changing our thinking is all about perception. Esther and Jerry Hicks’ books are the best teachers right now. Their books really clarify how our minds deceive us. They give a lot of tools to shift our perception of a negative situation so that we do not exacerbate it. When you give up victimhood you have to claim your power.

9) The Crescent Moon of Islam is a Goddess symbol. Why do you think they don’t get this?

You mean the Muslims? Hmm . . . a good question. I guess you have to chalk that up to the heritage of a long history where the prevailing culture has been unconsciously fearful of the power of the Goddess, of the power of women, the “devouring, toothed vagina” as the Jungians might put it. The Mullah patriarchs, if they know it at all, are obviously intent on keeping it a secret. Symbols can lose their meaning. I think Muslim women are prevented from finding a way to bond together and claim their heritage because they are threatened with death. The same thing happened during the Inquisition in Europe. Thousands of women were burned because of this primitive fear. Muslim countries have had a hard time coming into the contemporary era because there is so much repression. I’m hoping, like the phenomena we saw when the Berlin wall came down, the masses will somehow throw off their oppression like Eastern Europe through off Communism. There needs to be the force of the zeitgeist and at least some of the oppressors need to awaken. We can hold the vision and not have to know how it will happen. I think the internet is a fabulous tool to bring the world together collectively. At this point there are so many spiritual web sites and social media groups. Perhaps closed minds can open through exposure to spiritual ideas.

(10) Are people ready to accept the Divine Feminine?

It seems there are thousands of people who are. Perhaps millions.I don’t think it’s a main stream idea yet but the goddess is seeded and germinating in the collective unconscious. It may be as simple as an idea whose time has come. This is the millennium of her return according to many prophesies. I think the interest in Mary Magdalen has demonstrated that something is happening.

Years before Dan Brown’s DaVinci Code came out, I was first taken by an intense interest in Mary Magdalen and began my research. The number of books on the subject of Mary exploded. I found other women who were also discovering her. Why after 2000 years was she drifting into women’s dreams? Then Brown’s book brought the question of Jesus’ marital status into the forefront. Despite the Roman Catholic Church’s denials, the book became the best seller of all time! And Brown’s new book ends with hope for the coming age. He has the same conclusion as I do in my book.

In other traditions and ancient societies, the goddess was honored by both men and women. I think she is finding her place again. Apparitions of the Virgin Mary have also increased. The Roman Church has revised their take on who Mary Magdalen was. There’s a lot to say on the subject, but overall, whether Wiccan or Christian, the divine feminine is back.

(11) What is your personal take on the timeline of the paradigm shift? Is 2012 a real date for change?

I hope so. I do think we’re getting close to a massive shift. If the internet is any indication, the spirituality sites are everywhere. I’m living in an area, Southern Florida, full of spiritual practitioners. I think a lot of people are being awakened, including people in traditional religions. As the foundations of the culture collapse, more people will turn to faith and they will find synchronicities and signs because the veil between the spirit world and our 3D world is thinner than it’s ever been. Anyone who asks for help will get it. Maybe not in the way they expect or desire but eventually it will hit them over the head. Not with a bag of money or gold bars but with a slight revelation, an insight, an experience.

So many people are in recovery from addictions and depend on a Higher Power. Even if you just believe in the Tao, you start to see it in action in your life. The connection to the divine is available. I think the timeline is where most psychics have been found to be inaccurate, so that gives me pause. But we do have the Mayan Calendar though and I believe in its approximation. Though I don’t understand all its workings, I’ve read about it and it has been correct in following the ages. Any real transition between civilizations happens over a long period of time. The spiritual sub-culture is still ignored by mainstream media. Maybe when the E.T.’s make contact, Fox News will call it a Democratic hoax!


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