Saturday, March 17, 2012


Paul Davies, author of Mind of God is Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Australian Centre for Astrobiology at Macquarie University has proposed that the Genome@Home project could be extended to analyse human DNA for sign of genetic 'messaging' by aliens - a sort of Genomic SETI...
"The ideal solution would be to encode the message inside a large number of self-replicating, self-repairing microscopic machines programmed to multiply and adapt to changing conditions...

"Any intelligent extraterrestrial life that exists probably won't announce itself by blowing up the White House, or win over the hearts of children as a lovable alien with a glowing finger. Many scientists simply hope to find evidence of them by scanning the skies for a radio signal from a distant star's alien civilization. But such efforts may also risk overlooking clues of past alien activity right here on Earth."

Okay, this is not new news, but it is relevant news. The WAKING GOD TRILOGY postulates that the 'gods' are hidden withing our DNA, awaiting for the 'signal' to activate. The signal can be triggered by conscious choice, or, perhaps, by cosmic energies. Yes, genes can be turned on and off, that is proven and it is not science fiction. So is the re a 'god' gene and what events might trigger its activation?

We know that environmental stress is a major player in evolution. After all, why evolve if all is well with the world? It is when the environment stresses the very existence of a being that the evolutionary process kicks into high gear. (Read Lipton/Bhaerman-Spontaneous Evolution.) Clearly, the world is a very stressful place. Politics, religion, education, the environment and the economy have not been floating on calm seas.  Further, the increase in earthquakes, volcanoes, droughts, severe and unusual weather do not make for restful nights. Add to this picture solar flares, the collapsing magnetosphere and heliosphere, and the increase in incoming cosmic energy and we have a formula for gene mutation, or perhaps, gene activation.

Too 'far out' for your thinking? Do some research, but do it quickly, things are happening very quickly.


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