Saturday, May 28, 2011


PHIL: I think one of the things you say here s really accurate, when you lose it, you know, when you do something that you say why did I do that? It was such a downer, so to speak, you feel the energy drain out of yourself. I mean, every now and then we revert to our old ways, or something will crop up. And if you’re somebody that has embarked on the spiritual path, and you have begun to make connections, and the energy is beginning to flow, and suddenly you allow the way you have been creep back up on you, you just suddenly look around and go, “Oh my god you know, what am I doing? Why am I thinking like this?” And there’s no question you feel that loss of that connection to that energy.
The seventh insight brings us into engaging the flow, knowing our personal mission and enhances the flow of mysterious coincidences, as we are guided toward our destiny. “First we have a question, and then dreams, daydreams with intuitions that lead us toward the answers which are usually synchronistic and provided by the wisdom of another human being.” Knowing our mission, I’m sure for a lot of people, that’s the common question, why am I here? What is my mission, what is my purpose? I think the implication here is once you began on that path, people, events, things begin to happen that begin to guide you in that direction. Is that kind of what this insight is about?

JAMES: Without a doubt, I mean it’s, you know all were talking about is synchronistic flow, you know this is the holy grail of the consciousness we are describing. We want to be able to walk out of our house, working on some project maybe, or whatever, we get an intuition, someone to call about a certain issue we have. Someone will pop into our heads or we will just run into someone and have a casual conversation, and it will become a synchronicity, a mysterious coincidence that brings an answer to our ongoing journey, in other words, a direction. So that you know, those mysterious coincidences that open doors, and having those happen routinely, is the definition of this awakening as it begins to integrate. If our lives aren’t full of these things, if we aren’t solving these problems by having chance encounters that just happen to bring us information, or having intuitively been thinking of an old friend, call ‘em up and they say I was just thinking about you, I got this kind of information I’ve been working on, what do you think. And that new information somehow solves the problem for us; opens a new door for us. If we’re not having those, then we’re not quite in the flow, the seventh insight is to understand that there is a flow out there that we can move in to. Now, you have to, believe in these coincidences, have faith that they are going to happen, you have a spiritual work that you’re doing, where you’re constantly trying to get more and more connected, with the divine within yourself, and this channel that’s divine awareness. But once you get in to that flow, it’s what we all really want, we want our lives to be at that level of mystery and intrigue and fulfillment. That’s what we are looking for and that’s why people who are watching the Jerry Springer Show, you know their thinking, it must be in that, you know. But it’s not; it’s the flow we’re looking for.

PHIL: It’s kind of like the use of intuition, I, I know myself just form personal example, when I hear that little voice say don’t go this way, go that way; or go to this store instead of that store, I mean, it can be little things; it doesn’t have to be mind altering, life altering kinds of events. But the little voice that sort of directs you and when I follow it, then the voice picks up more and more, and it does kind of lead to bigger and better things. And when you don’t, it’s like, wow, I just shut myself off from something, why didn’t I listen to that voice, why did I do that when you know, inside of myself it said hey maybe you ought to not go in that particular direction, and maybe you really ought not to contact that person. Your ego jumps in and you say, well I'm going to do it anyway, I'm in control. And it’s kind of like, the more you allow intuition to speak to yourself, the more intuitive insights you have. So I would imagine, just like your saying here, the more you allow this flow, this synchronicity, the so called coincidences occur, the greater they become. It’s a wonderful system when you let it work, isn’t it?

JAMES: Absolutely, and it’s our heritage, it’s our inevitable cosmic personality. It’s what we’re growing into; it’s what these insights are talking about, these awakenings, these steps to our awakening. You know that’s what we want, that’s what we are going to get as we become more devoted to the spiritual life. You know, and let me say, I want to point one thing out about the sixth insight; we can’t stay in that flow if we’re doing something that we are addicted to by habit that breaks the flow. If we ever manipulate at all with the first lie, we tell the first manipulation we seek, to maneuver some person to where we think we want them. As soon as that happens, you are dead in the water. You just might as well have a seat, because nothing is going to flow until you move past that habit or tendency. Everybody has one; it’s a controlled drama of some kind. Some are worse than others, but I’ll tell you, it’s all addictive. It’s all an addiction, it’s a way we learn how to feel secure in the world. And sometimes we bring it in from previous lifetimes. This is not all easy. You know, if it was easy we would have done it already. There’re some challenges that also will respond to our intention, and if we concentrate on staying in this spiritual space, and trust the divine in us to lead us forward, and to give up, just move past these bad habits, get in the flow of our proper work in the world, then those things happen.

PHIL: I think that’s what’s beautiful about the system. When I was talking to Maia Berens about relationships, we were talking about the point that it is never too late. You know, her husband is 70 years old and he just got a teaching job and he’s going to get his teaching certificate. I guess the point being, if you do screw up, so to speak I hate using any judgmental terms, but if you do sort of fall back into that controlling trap, it’s not like somebody is going to come around and punish you, or like you’re damned eternally or anything, you can turn it around at any point don’t you think.

JAMES: Absolutely, and we practice our mission twenty four hours a day so, it’s not all about career, its life. It’s every bit of our lives, and you may be making widgets somewhere for a living, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have a truth to fill. Something to contribute to others that could cross your path, the main thing is to just find what it is that really becomes something that you are inspired to say to other people, that you find will touch them and bring them more in to the spiritual consciousness, remember its contagious. And it’s the contagion that we fan when we’re performing our missions.

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