Friday, July 24, 2009


What do Lynn V. Andrews and the WAKING GOD TRILOGY have in common? Officially, nothing. However, events and ideas conspire and synchronicity is a wonderful event in the Universe. In January of this year, I gave a brief description of WAKING GOD. It went like this: “Deep within humanity is a genetic code, the god seed. There are two people—MARA and ANDREW—who each possess an active half of the god seed code. This code was placed in humanity by ADAM who, when created, was to be exalted even above the angels. The angels did not and do not like this situation. They also do not like ADAM’s plan to dream himself into physical reality, when the two halves of the code come together. When God created ADAM he subsequently put ADAM to sleep—a sleep from which he was never awoken. It is in ADAM’s dreams that we find the world as we know it today. The angels serve a purpose in the dream world, but they will have little purpose if ADAM comes into the physical. ADAM’s ally is a person named MANTRELLA, meaning “Morning Star”. Here is the eternal struggle: The Archangel MICHAEL vs. MANTRELLA. The question posed is who really represents humanity’s best interests?
Just the other day, I received this announcement from Lynn Andrews:
***/"2012 The Crossing Times"/*The Body Soul & Spirit Expo*Saskatoon, Canada*
*Sunday, October 4, 2009*4:00 PM (Central Time)*

“For thousands of years, shamans and indigenous healers everywhere have been observing the way power and energy move throughout the universe, aware of the existence of an unseen reality which parallels our physical world and able to move between these two worlds with confidence and ease to bring back important wisdom to aid us on our journey through the physical. In many ways, our modern science is finally beginning to understand and prove the remarkable accuracy of this ancient way of knowing. What are "black hole" discoveries,after all, but the great mystical void that shamans have always known existed?

To the Sisterhood of the Shields, whose teachings have been handed down from shaman to apprentice, mother to daughter in an unbroken chain for over 10,000 years, the "end of days" denotes the coming of a huge shift in human consciousness. It marks the awakening of the great dreamer god, who has in a sense been dreaming all of us; influencing human consciousness through the patriarchy, for the past several millenniums. According to the Sisterhood's tradition, this dreamer god is in the process of waking up. When that happens, he will no longer be dreaming us; he will no longer be dreaming our dreams for us.

What this means is that we are going to have to take responsibility or our own dreams. We are going to have to take responsibility for our own selves, our own lives and our place in harmony with this great Mother Earth, instead of waiting and expecting someone else to do it for us. It is the beginning of a consciousness of personal responsibility and spiritual enlightenment marked by the return to balance of male and female energies on this earth, energies which have been out of harmony for at least the past 10,000 years, and the world is not a better place because of it. It is the dawning of a time of great excitement and unbounded possibility, when spirit and science no longer square off at opposite ends of the spectrum but finally come back together through the creative genius of the human spirit.

My teachers often say that people were never intended to live with the amount of stress and chaos that we face in today's world. Not only have our social structures become too complex and our technology unwieldy, Mother Earth herself is going through a time of rapid,momentous change.And it is precisely this convergence of human and earth dilemma that has brought these women forward at this particular point in time, just as it is with so many other shamans throughout the world who are coming forward now to return their ancient knowledge and wisdom about the ways of power and energy, life and harmony in the universe to a parched world that had once turned its back on their magnificence.”

I assume that you can see the connection, albeit not by intention, between the work of Lynn and WAKING GOD. We have said on numerous occasions and on our web site that WAKING GOD is part prophecy. I would say that we have tapped into a Universal message that is being delivered through multiple channels. A message that is important as we approach 2012. Now take a look at Lynn’s July newsletter:

Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2009 “We are at a point in history where unparalleled changes are taking place all over the world. Huge growth is occurring, and huge difficulties are presenting themselves. This happens because just as there is light in the world, there is, of course, darkness to define the light. Always remember that: it is the darkness which defines the light. When you are confronted by darkness, you move fully into the bright light of higher consciousness. That is where you discover and process what it is you, and we, need to know.”

In WAKING GOD, Lucifer is the ‘good guy.’ It is his darkness that has enabled humanity to experience the Light. Without him, physical reality would not exist. What is contentious to us is the fact that religious ‘authorities’ have, for millennia, denied the need for the darkness, demonized the darkness, and used it to frighten humanity into mindless followers of religious dogma. WAKING GOD exposes the religious lie and points to the door that reads, ‘YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR REALITY AND YOUR WORLD.” It tells that you that there is no coming savior and that you are not evil. This is why we have chosen the title, THE SECOND COMING OF HUMANITY, for Book III of the trilogy. Spiritual leaders around the globe are all saying the same thing. Yes, we could all be wrong, but we could also, all be right. To paraphrase a line for those who follow TORCHWOOD, “YOU ARE COMING!”


“It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure." - Joseph Campbell

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