Monday, December 31, 2012


What seeds have been sown in 2012 that will sprout to life in 2013?

There are two ways to view this question. The first is personal, and the second is societal. To answer the personal question, it is necessary to determine your predominant thoughts in 2012. If your mind and emotions were filled with fear, confusion, sadness, greed, dislike and other such negative thoughts, well, your 2013 does not bold well. Only you can make the determination as to the quality of the seeds you have planted. However, if they are negative, you can turn things around with lots of tender care and by readjusting your perspective on life. You can soften the blow.

With regard to society, that is a different story. We planted nightshades for the environment, knot-weed for the economy, and crabgrass for our politics. While you don't have to eat the rotten fruits of society, just know that what they are selling toxic and genetically modified produce that will make you sick if you eat it. The societal garden will be a disaster as the old paradigm fights to keep its hold.

Much has been done to raise the thoughts and vibrations of this planet. The problem is that the extent of the field of weeds is so vast that all will, in some form, feel its effects. Remember, that as a society, we let the few ruin the planet. We are stakeholders in the cause and it will be difficult to escape the effects.

We are now in the fast lane of change, so pay attention.

Thursday, December 20, 2012



On December 22nd there will be a rash of stories about how 12-21-12 was a dud and that everyone from the Maya, the Hopi, Nostradamus and others were all wrong. Of course, they will forget to mention that none these cultures or seers every said that the world would end on the 21st. The end of a cycle(s) had nothing to do with the hype that has surrounded these 'end times.'

But don't throw the truth out with the trash. Only the most ignorant can't see that the "times, they are a changing." Every night the world ends and every morning it begins anew. If we choose that today will be like yesterday, that is what will happen. If we choose to lay down our arms ans live a life of peace and love, then that is what the new day will bring. The truth of the matter is that you can have a world of their making or, a world of your choosing. This happens everyday and it is clear that so far, the choice has been the former, not the latter.

Those of us who grew up in the 'old age' will soon, relatively speaking, depart from this performance. What is the legacy we leave? We have given you THE GREAT DIVIDE. We have show you the worst and the best of humanity. We have shown the horrors of war and the bliss of peace; the fun of abundance and the depths of poverty; compassion and apathy; the sublime and the absurd; hatred and love; stewardship and destruction; tenderness and rudeness; hope and despair; in other words, duality.

To know what you want you must know what you don't want. The darkness gives meaning to the light. You can enter the new age kicking and screaming, or you can let the old paradigm pass, learn from its lessons, and co-create the 'new earth.' Forces have been set in motion that are unstoppable. Seeds have been planted in the garden of mass consciousness. Some are deadly, some are healing. They are both sprouting and the whole point is for you to choose the nature of your garden. The problem for you may be that some of the most deadly are also the most beautiful. Is the grail a gem studded vessel, or is it plain and, perhaps, even unappealing? Choices ... choices. Again, the new cycle is revving up. Change is upon you. In 2013 the world will change dramatically. Actually, it already is changing. The how and the effects are for you to choose.

Don't, for one moment believe that since Armageddon didn't happen that things will go back to the way they were. That simply is not possible. You are changing; the planet is changing; the solar system is changing; the galaxy is changing; hell, the whole universe is changing. Embrace the fact that in the foreseeable future there will be no normal. Ride the wave, don't drown in it. End the Age of Worn Out Dogma.

Monday, December 17, 2012



Did you know that you are suffering from a virus called MEMES?

So, just what is a meme?

A meme (play /ˈmm/; meem)[1] is "an idea, behavior or style that spreads from person to person within a culture."[2] A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols or practices, which can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals or other imitable phenomena. Supporters of the concept regard memes as cultural analogues to genes in that they self-replicate, mutate and respond to selective pressures.[3]

Basically, most of what you believe about your world, society, politics, economics, religion, and on, and on, are the result of meme infections! 


The flu's going around-you get sick
Your vote doesn't count-you don't vote
You're stupid-you act stupid
You'll never amount to anything-so you don't
Too big to fail
They're evil
You can't do anything about it

Literally, all that you believe is the result of a mind infection. What's the cure? KNOWLEDGE. 
The only real way to eliminate a meme is to replace it with another.

Let's start a new meme! On December 21, 2012, humanity will evolve to a higher level of consciousness. There will be peace on Earth. Love will be the way we live.

Easy, just spread this virus. In this TIME OF CHOOSING, let's replace the old meme and create a new paradigm. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012


"According to some interpretations of the Mayan calendar, the world is scheduled to end one day in the next week. Predictions vary: it could mean that all mankind will undergo a spiritual transformation, or that the Earth will collide with a black hole or the planet Nibiru — in which case, there’s no need to finish all that Christmas shopping. Or maybe it’s just the close of another year." In the Trilogy we read this about 12/21/12:

Andrew heaved himself from his seat and ran to Mara and Nilaihah. “Do you remember the night we met in Massachusetts?”
Andrew detected a mild annoyance in Mara, probably for his interrupting their girl talk. But only for a second. Her eyes went up and to the left, then straight at him. “I do remember. It was a strange night, as I recall. Also very cold, and I hate the cold.”
“Do you remember the date?”
“No, not really. It was in December, I think.”
“Right, December.” He held both hands up, palms open. “Mara, it was December twenty first!”
“Okay, the twenty first. What’s the big deal? I mean, I know that’s the Solstice, but why do you seem so excited about that?”
“The year, do you remember the year?”
“Well,” She paused to calculate. “Hang on, with all that’s happened so fast it’s kind of a seamless blur.” She looked down, forehead creased, cradling her chin between her thumb and forefinger. “Oh,” she said, suddenly aware, “it was 2012. December 21, 2012.”
“Exactly.” Andrew said with an excited clap of his hands. He thrust a forefinger in the air. “The date the world was supposed to change, transform, end, collapse. The end of the Mayan calendar, Nostradamus, the Hopi prophecies, alien invasions; all supposed to happen on 12-21-2012. That’s the day we met, Mara. I remember some stories the next day in the press about how the whole 2012 thing was a big hoax. But there were also some stories about people who felt some big shift in vibration—that something was set in motion that would change things forever.”
Nilaihah’s head moved in a slow wag, and then, her head stopped its motion and she pointed at Andrew. “Andrew, for someone so smart, I sometimes wonder. You were the big happening on that day, you and Mara. Your meeting, your reconnection, was the event in prophecy. I thought you already understood that.”
Both Andrew and Mara looked at Nilaihah and then at each other, their faces pale.

The world does not end, but if we take the time to look around and SEE, it is clear that transformation is in the wind. Read the Trilogy and see what comes next.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Recent news reports might get anyone a bit nervous about December 21st. Swarms of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, massive wildlife deaths, continuing droughts, super storms, economic and political dysfunction, emerging diseases, ice melts, sea rise, methane releases from the thawing tundra, solar coronal mass ejections, and one environmental catastrophe after another, should give anyone pause. Are we approaching Doomsday? Is mass consciousness actually creating what we fear most?

This is a true story. Driving home from work one day we were experiencing an ice storm. The roads rapidly become sheets of ice. I was driving a full length pick-up truck with no extra weight in the bed.
As I approached a slight decline in the road, I noticed several vehicles ahead of me begin to swerve. I very gently applied the brakes, knowing that a heavy foot would lead to big trouble. My truck didn't slow down. In fact, the brakes had no effect and I quickly discovered that the truck was literally sliding down the road. I had no control. I slid into the opposite lane and was heading directly toward a tractor trailer that, fortunately, was having a hard time getting up what was an incline in his direction. I tried to gently steer back into my own lane, knowing that my pick up would surely lose in a battle with the semi. Any attempt to quickly turn the wheel would be a disaster. About 100 yards apart, the back end of my truck began to fish tail. Lucky for me, it pulled me back into my own lane. However, it also pulled me off the road. I barely missed a telephone pole and was very fortunate; the fates were with me, that I glided off the road and into a field. Luckily, there was no ditch on this stretch of field and after another couple hundred feet of sliding, I came to a stop. Looking to my left, the semi went by, spinning tires and all.

As we approach December 21, 2012, think of it in terms of all of humanity being in a truck, trying to navigate down an icy road. Unless you are just basically oblivious to the world you live in, this storm-climate change, environmental disasters, biosphere collapse, economic and political chaos-has been hitting us for quite some time. Humanity is now sliding down the icy road, out of control, subject to whatever barriers may quickly smash our forward progress. Given every opportunity, being forewarned for decades, we still chose to get behind the driver's seat and head out in the storm. Believing those who always put money first, we let ourselves be mulled into a sense of false security.

Barring things like an asteroid hit or being engulfed in a civilization ending coronal mass ejection, the world will still be here on December 22nd.  However, having lost control of the truck to the whims of the thickening ice, it is clear that we will not just slide off the road to safety. Do we hit an oncoming car? Do we slam into a telephone pole? Do we do a roll over in a ditch? No one really knows. But, be certain of this, we have not even really sensed the danger and few seem to have even noticed that we slid into the oncoming lane.

In Waking God: The Trilogy, a good part of the story occurs after 12/21/12. In the book, something major, but hidden to the masses, does happen on that day, but not total destruction. If you listen to the science, humanity cannot escape the consequences of its neglect. This does not mean that our future is inevitably relegated to a state of weeping and gnashing of teeth. For sure, there will be, and there has been, some of that already. As the manifestation of our sleep takes form, choices will be made. According to the Trilogy, in this Time of Choosing, each person will decide to live in Fear, or rise above and live in Love. If too many choose fear, then humanity's morphic field will generate waves of negative events and the weeping will consume many. However, if the masses choose to end the dream, the nightmare, then the morphic field of love will create a new earth. The old paradigm will fail as it is replaced by the new.

All ancient prophecy points to this time period as a time of change. Just as we have the phases of the moon, new and full, earth is ending a phase. The planet has done it before and will do it again. Humanity has lived for such a short time, but we can't assume that because we have not, that we remember, seen a major earth shift, that none will happen. In fact new advances in science are beginning to find evidence that such changes may have been responsible for the collapse of previous ancient civilizations. Explore the concept of the electric universe if you choose to know more, for these are the things of which myths are made. After all, out of the ashes, the Phoenix will rise.

What can you expect in the coming months. Fear, for those who accept it. Chaos, for those who accept it. Disaster, for those who accept it. Despair, for those who accept it. Hate, for those who accept it. Weeping and gnashing of teeth, for those who accept it. You see, what happens to YOU depends on what you accept; what you choose. You can choose doomsday, or you can choose enlightenment. As the days progress, the opportunity for such choices will become increasingly obvious.

May your truck slide safely off the ice into an open field.  May your reality be built upon love, and not fear.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


KINDLE In WAKING GOD: THE TRILOGY, what was mentioned in fiction has become reality as we see from the following passage: "People have been mumbling threats of Armageddon and the End of Days for weeks now, and perhaps with just cause. Globally, world economies are in shambles. Even in the United States, corporations that have maintained superior profits since the market crashed in 1929 have gone under. As the currency of countless countries drops below the value of gravel, hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes, tsunami, and other natural disasters plague the earth. Defying all logic, circles of trees are appearing in our forests, and complex, otherworldly geometric designs are forming in wheat and cornfields, rice paddies, and lettuce patches." But we have to ask, "Is this the fate of humanity? Are we destined to doom and destruction? let's look at more: Andrew stared at his friend. “So,” he said, “there’s a message in the cards of something trying to dream itself into existence so it can ultimately experience itself.” He remembered what he’d been told about the sleeping Adam. “Take card fifteen, the so-called Devil, with the loose chains around the necks of a man and woman,” Eli continued. “The restraints are an illusion. The ties don’t bind. The one and the five reduce to six. The sixth card is The Lovers. Here are the symbols of the Trees of Life and of Knowledge. Both forces are guided by the Sun, or the ultimate spiritual force. The apples are the five senses, and the flames are the twelve powers, represented by the Zodiac and by the twelve disciples. All of the numbers stand alone, but must also be reduced for correlations." What we see, we have created. It appears monstrous, consuming, with little hope. But the Tarot Code, as revealed in the trilogy, says this is but an illusion, the stage upon which we play our parts. When the play is over, we go home, not bound by the performance we have just witnessed. Want liberation from the illusion. This Thanksgiving, show gratitude for all that you have. melt the chains of lack, insufficiency, poor health, and loneliness. Expose the lie we call war and be grateful for peace and enduring love. The restraints on your life, on the world, are an illusion. Change is but a thought away. In the Trilogy, Book III is called the Second Coming of Humanity. It speaks of a TIME OF CHOOSING. It is in our choices that we plant the seeds of the 'morrow. What's in your garden?

Sunday, November 4, 2012




Authored by Philip F. Harris, Brian L. Doe 

Discover what you need to know to get through the Earth Changes leading up to and beyond December 21, 2012!

The Waking God Trilogy is not about the doom and gloom that organized religions would have you believe. It is not about an Armageddon style 'end times' that pits good against evil in some final battle where religious dogma is triumphant. Yes, there is a final battle of sorts, but as Mantrella says, "It is not about saving humanity, it never has been." While the Trilogy comes down hard on organized religion and its 'worn out dogma,' it is not atheistic. Instead, it totally rejects the idea of some schizophrenic super-being that loves to punish and reward its servants, and recognizes a Universal consciousness of which we are all a part. It acknowledges that within each of us there is a 'god seed' that is waiting to experience an awakening brought on, as in any major evolution, by not only environmental, but also social, economic, and political stress that will help to create a spontaneous evolution in humanity. Or, if allowed to remain dormant, this same seed will be our undoing. The prophecies all speak of a choice. Nostradamus, the Hopi, the Mayans, the I Ching, the Riddles of DaVinci, and the Tarot speak to a time of choosing. Hidden codices, books of revelation, and ancient sacred texts also speak of this time of choosing. That time is upon us. The elements are all there. From bursts of energy from the center of our galaxy to the scientific discoveries about the true nature of our reality, the puzzle nears its completion.

Andrew, the young comparative religions professor, knows what he needs to do. He needs to give the still sleeping Adam flesh, by mating with a young and mysterious Middle Eastern woman known as Mara. The time is right at last, so what can possibly stop Andrew and Mara from coming together in fulfillment of prophecy? Well, for one thing, there's Michael. And then there are those who follow Michael, the great archangel who's made it his mission to keep humanity in its current ignorant and deluded state. Ranged on the looming battle's other side are Mantrella, Bringer of Light, and those who follow him. Meanwhile, Earth itself convulses as its inhabitants endure the plagues of Revelation. Will those who can stop Michael act in time? And even if they do, will they prevail?

Focusing on 'worn out religious dogma' as one of the leading causes of human strife, the Trilogy turns the mythical world of good vs. evil on its head. Mantrella, a.k.a. Lucifer, is the champion of humanity, while the Archangel Michael fights to suppress human evolution by preventing the physical birth of the biblical Adam. Human destiny is placed squarely on the shoulders of where it belongs: choice; our thoughts create our reality.

The Battle of Armageddon has already begun, but not the one religion portrays as the End Times. Can Michael stop the physical birth of Adam? Do the forces of good and evil battle it out for humanity's soul? Is Lucifer really the 'great deceiver' or is he humanity's guardian? Who can truly save humanity, if indeed it needs saving? All that is hidden is revealed between the lines and beyond the words. Will the 'dreamer' awaken? You must decide! In these times of economic, political, social and religious upheaval, the TRILOGY is required reading, now more than ever!

"...make the Da Vinci Code look like a church hymn.... It should make you think. Calling it provocative is an understatement. ...groundbreaking and revolutionary ideas .... Epic in scope ...."

Saturday, November 3, 2012

The One Last Cashew Principle and the Future of Humanity


Cashews are my favorite nut. I remember as a child that we always  went over to Nana's over the holidays to partake of desserts and on Christmas, to exchange presents with aunts, uncles and cousins. Nana always had bowls of mixed nuts scattered throughout the house.  I would find a relatively quiet spot, take a bowl, and search for the cashew treasures within.

It seemed that if I kept digging through the bowl, that there was always one last cashew prize to be found. Was this an early encounter of the Law of Attraction? By sheer will, did I keep manifesting that one last cashew in the endless sea of peanuts, almonds, walnuts and Brazil nuts? Was this my first encounter with Heidenberg's Uncertainty Principle? Because I always reached a point when I was uncertain if just one more nut lay hidden in the bowl. Thinking I had devoured the last, was there still one there? Would my looking create just one more?

So here we have humanity, sitting at the bowl of life, expecting that we always have that one more chance to make things right. We think that we will have that one more opportunity to make amends; to say, "I'm sorry; I love you; I will take that chance; I will change my ways." Do we think that there is still time to alter history; to protect the planet;  to end pollution; resist the power of money--the power of the few over the many? And then one day we wake up dead; the last cashew has been consumed and, at least in this lifetime, the chances are gone and the cashew exists only in a theoretical state of possibility.

Look at the events in the world. How many cashews do you think are left?

Sunday, October 21, 2012


I love this quote and it is a theme in THE WAKING GOD TRILOGY:
"Yes there’s certainly more financial instability on the way, yes climate change is accelerating and yes natural resources are dwindling and getting ever more expensive. But to me, these are exactly the conditions we need. It’s not the status quo that needs to be preserved – not business as usual – rather the system needs to breakdown to provide more freedom for expansionary growth…" READ THE FULL ARTICLE AT:

I have said on many occasions that evolution is the result of stress. From climate change to meteor impacts, stresses in the environment have altered life on Earth. When conditions are fine, let's face it, there is no need to change. As we know, conditions on Mother are NOT fine for good old homo sapiens. At every turn, there is stress and that, my friends, is what the Mayans refer to with respect to 12/21/2012. The end of one era and the beginning of the next, brought on by massive stress. Knowing this, there should be no reason to fear the reaper. yes, we do have to pay the ferry man his dues to cross into a New Age. But, it is a price worth paying, even if it means that many do not appear to make it. The loss of many will add further stress and result in greater change. We praise those who have given their lives in battle in order to preserve freedom for future generations. We will have many more to praise before this is all said and done.

Keep one thing in mind. We may pass THIS way but once, but we do pass again and even those who have decided to will come back to reap the reward of their efforts. Look upon the changes that are happening now and those that will happen in the near future as opportunities to aid the cause of human evolution. It is all in 'divine order!'

Saturday, September 15, 2012


The answer to that question is both yes and no.  Throughout history there have been those secret organizations that have preserved the inner teachings of past spiritual leaders.  These societies have remained obscure and hidden in order to avoid the heavy hammer of persecution.  Religions have been fond of killing heretics and of destroying libraries of ancient texts that contradict theological dogma.  Since the late 1800’s and early 1900’s to the present, mush has been revealed regarding the inner teachings of past spiritual avatars.  The “cat is out of the bag.”
However, there has certainly been a backlash to New Age thought.  We are all familiar with the Moral Majority and Rome has clamped down on more liberal ideology.  The evangelists are still out there making millions as they try to convince the world of its evil ways.  Headlines are certainly filled with news of fundamentalist activity in the Middle East and like a trapped rat; religious institutions are fighting back-an oxymoron.  Growth in the “Secret” phenomenon has brought old wisdom to TV and there are some 86 million web sites devoted to the topic of spirituality.  So, while adherence to religious dogma is on the decline and schisms are occurring in a number of Christian denominations, the trend has been for religions to “dig in” rather than to relinquish.
Die hard dogma adherent’s use the current trend towards a broader concept of spirituality as evidence of the approaching “end times.”  By raising the specter of the Apocalypse they use fear to keep their flocks in an unwavering holding pattern.  Of course, what they fail to understand is that “apocalypse” means revelation or the revealing.  It does not mean the end of the world.  Truly, we are entering a time of revelation and part of that revelation will spell the end of religious dogma.

A P.S. Clearly, recent events in the Middle East is evidence that religious dogma is not dead. Even the Pope is getting a bit nervous, calling for an end to fundamentalism.



In a theological context, dogma is not only religious doctrine; it is a set of statements that represent the core of any religion.  To disagree with the dogma of a chosen religion or faith means that you no longer adhere to that faith.  With respect to the Catholic Church, dogma is generally found in the Nicene Creed and various pronouncements of ecumenical councils and the infallible Pope.  Protestants call their dogma doctrine or statements of faith and for Islam; one is referred to the “aqidah.”   Each organized religion has some sort of official set of “something” which is at the heart of their teaching and which also require strict conformity.  The key is that to question dogma is to question the very basis of institutionalized belief.  To do so often leads to expulsion.  This is a heavy hammer to hold over ones head. 
Is there little wonder that people are afraid to question the dogma of their usually inherited religion?  Question pronouncements of the Ayatollah and you may forfeit your life.  Argue with the Pope and be excommunicated.  Denounce a minister and be labeled the spawn of Satan.  History has shown that to question dogma has often led to the burning stake, torture, being outcast, shunned, abused, ridiculed and cast out of society.  Up until the Enlightenment, questioning was usually a death sentence. 
It is critical to remember that institutions only have power if you give them power.  Early man gave most of his power to religious institutions and reclaiming that power has been an uphill battle.  Despite the enlightenment, the scientific revolution, the Age of reason and the failure of most religions to effectively solve any of humanity’s laundry list of problems, religious dogma still enslaves the majority of the world’s population.  While there is no question that many do not actively follow the dogmatic religious creeds, we live in a world where the influence of such creeds affects everyone.  Religions have money and that means power. 
Whether you are among the faithful or among the non-believers, your lives are greatly controlled by the religious elite.  Despite all claims to the contrary, there is very little separation between dogma and the state.  Perhaps the only major world power that is not greatly swayed by religion is China, its government must still deal with countries that are.  Policies of the United States and Europe as well as those of the Middle East are dominated by religious influence.  Even the most ardent atheist feels the effects of the power of religion.  From domestic social policies to foreign policies, the “church” wields tremendous influence.

Monday, August 13, 2012



 No one really knows how religion began.  Traces of ritual date back at least 40,000 years but for early religions, their roots remain an anthropological mystery.  Modern theory goes so far as to suggest that there is actually a “god gene” that pre-disposes humanity to spiritual revelation.  One thing is certain; every culture has some form of deity worship.  From Tasmania to the Andes and from remote islands to the cradles of civilization, religion has found fertile ground in the human imagination.
Once upon a time in a land bounded by forests, there lived a clan of simple people.  Their main food source was the stag.  To pay respect to the stag they painted its picture on cave walls.  In gratitude for giving of its life force to sustain theirs, they celebrated its existence by wearing its antlers and clothing themselves in its hide.  There were times when the stag was plentiful and times when it could not be found.  Life was a basic crap shoot.
Over time, one very observant clan member figured out the migration route of the stag.  He told his people where they should hunt and when.  To their astonishment, he was right.  Out of gratitude for his prophecies, this man was given an extra portion of the kill.  He became known as the “Stagman” and the largest of head ornaments and the finest of skins were given to him for his service.  Several clan members wanted to learn his ways and the source of his knowledge.  He took them on as apprentices.  Stagman and his inner circle were often asked for advice on other clan matters and they became a source of power and leadership.  One season the stag did not appear as was foretold.  The clan began to complain since the winter would see empty bellies.  To save face, Stagman actually blamed the people for the poor hunt.  He said that their offerings to him and his inner circle were too meager and that the people had missed the mark in their showing of gratitude.  It was for this reason that the stag did not come as usual.  None knew that wolves had entered the forest and were taking a growing share of the stag. 
Stagman demanded that the clan conduct certain rituals and fasting if they wanted the return of the stag.  Little did they know that one of the inner circle had spotted a pack of wolves and Stagman now knew why the hunt was sparse.  He told the people to give him a greater share of their wealth and that he would make the stag appear in greater numbers.  In the meantime, his little band of followers went on the hunt and killed the wolves.  Soon, the stag appeared in greater numbers and the clan decided that their leader had some mysterious relationship with them.  It was in this way that Stagman and his group became the most powerful of the clan members.  Gratitude and respect was given to him rather than the stag and the relationship of the clan and nature was forever altered. 
Can you see how religion may have had its start?  This same scenario may have been repeated regarding the life giving flow of rivers and their flooding that created rich farm land.  The one who figured out the cycle became a powerful and often revered leader.  Is this how it happened?  It is possible.  It is also possible that a Universal creative force pervades all of existence and the bond between that force and its creation can never be severed.  The problem is that over time, people looked to leaders for answers and forgot the stag and forgot the creative force. 
If you Google “list of gods” you will find hundreds of deities and religions and each lays claim to the truth.  Even within Christianity there are least 120 sects or denominations that have their own ceremonies and rituals.  Over the millennia these religions have been able to fine tune their show and to impose strict rules and observances for their followers.  When things went wrong it was easy to create a demon to blame or to find fault with the people or those who were not faithful.  In all likelihood, most religions started as a way of looking at and explaining life, but with the passage of time, the message became consumed by the institution and its preservation became more important than early truths.
Every now and then an avatar would come along and try to steer people back to the fundamental laws of the Universe.  These avatars were either killed or their teaching transformed into a new religion.  So what does all of this have to do with you?  Basically, your religious programming has been fine tuned over thousands of years.  Any religion worth its salt has figured how to counter dissent and how to answer the most probing of questions.  Of course, when there was no logical answer, it was very easy to eliminate the blasphemer.  It is not my intent to present a history of religion or even to explore the depths of their teachings.  Suffice it to say, the game has been stacked against you, at least until now.