Tuesday, November 29, 2011


HuffPost's QuickRead...

Vatican's Exorcist: Yoga Is Satanic »

Newser.com  |  David Moye  |  November 29, 2011 at 01:10 PM
Yoga is the work of the devil, according to a man who claims to have banished evil spirits from 70,000 people. Gabriele Amorth, the Vatican's chief exorcist, says yoga leads to a belief in Hinduism, and "all eastern religions are based on a false belief in reincarnation." 
Can you believe this? This underlying theme, you're evil unless you are Catholic, has caused wars, hatred and divisiveness. This is why the WAKING GOD Trilogy calls religion the bane of human existence and ignorance the root of human misery.

Friday, November 25, 2011

"he/she/it arrives."

From the Huffington Post, 11/25/11:
photo from physorg.

MEXICO CITY -- Mexico's archaeology institute downplays theories that the ancient Mayas predicted some sort of apocalypse would occur in 2012, but on Thursday it acknowledged that a second reference to the date exists on a carved fragment found at a southern Mexico ruin site.

"There's no reason it couldn't be also a date in ancient times, describing some important historical event in the Classic period. In fact, the third glyph on the brick seems to read as the verb huli, "he/she/it arrives."

"...the Tortuguero tablet and the Comalcalco brick – were probably carved about 1,300 years ago and both are cryptic in some ways.

The Tortuguero inscription describes something that is supposed to occur in 2012 involving Bolon Yokte, a mysterious Mayan god associated with both war and creation.

However, erosion and a crack in the stone make the end of the passage almost illegible, though some read the last eroded glyphs as perhaps saying, "He will descend from the sky."

Interesting that this glyph has only recently been found. Coincidence. And, what is that may 'arrive'? With all that is happening in the world, is it just possible that 2012 will bring, like the Solar max, a climax to these events. ET's? Don't know. Activation of some of our 'junk DNA'? Possible-stress does such things in terms of evolution. Certainly, interesting times!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Unconcerned, Michael said, “And how are the vaccinations going?”
“All who might be of consequence have had the gene disrupted,” Otto offered.  “The masses will be neutralized within the year, minus a few isolated strays.”
Michael smiled in approval and the Inner Circle finally relaxed.  “There is little that Mantrella can do.  Who would turn down a cure from the AIDS pandemic?   Already hundreds of millions have perished.  If the religious strife were not enough, few will refuse the opportunity to be spared from the mutated virus. They fear the plague more than the clergy.”
“Lord,” Brathmore said, “we are losing much in this turmoil.”
Michael turned on the man, eyes blazing.  Brathmore fell to his knees in maddening pain.  The others moved back from their comrade in fear of touching Michael’s anger. 
“You know nothing of losing,” Michael whispered.  As he spoke his eyes cooled and the pain in every molecule of Brathmore began to subside.  Michael felt absolute contempt for the petty desires of humans.  He needed them, but he also hated them.  The thought that he once bowed before the archetype, an event he vowed never to repeat, turned his stomach.
Regaining his wits, Brathmore uttered, “I am sorry, my Lord.  You have always done us well. I did not mean to doubt. Forgive me.”  Brathmore prostrated himself before Michael, who smiled at the supplication. 
“Fear not for your worldly treasures,” Michael insisted.  “I will soon reveal the Joshua Tree.”
Otto and the others were shocked by the Archangel’s announcement. 
“How did you get the Priory to reveal the name of the Joshua Tree?” Otto questioned.
“They have been betrayed,” Michael answered evenly.  “I have had an insider since the beginning.  He will be making the announcement.  He will use DNA from Mary to prove beyond any doubt that David is of the lineage of Jesus.  The world is ready to buy into just about anything that will offer some hope of salvation from these terrible times.  And who better than the next Secretary General of the United Nations?”
“Does Mantrella know?” asked Giovanni.
“He will learn of it shortly in the news, along with the rest of the world,” Michael promised, erupting into bitter laughter. Although uneasy, the Inner Circle joined in the jubilation.
They had no choice.

Monday, November 7, 2011


By Erich von Däniken
First the gods, they who dwell on the heights of Olympus, brought forth a golden race of much‐discoursing men…”
The above quote is translated from a German translation of Hesiod’s Theogony of 1817. Professor Voss translated the Greek to read ‘they who dwell on the heights of Olympus’. In newer versions of the same passage, we find a slightly different slant: ‘... [gods] dwelling in heavenly houses’.
Let me put these two translations, separated by only 150 years, alongside each other so that you can compare them and draw your conclusions:
1817: First the gods, they who dwell on the heights of Olympus, brought forth a golden race of much‐ discoursing men. These were ruled by Chronos, at that time reigning in heaven. And they lived like the gods, their souls continually cared for...
1970: Deathless gods dwelling in heavenly houses first created the golden race of frail human beings. That was at the time of Chronos, when he was still king in the heavens. And they lived like gods, having no worry in their hearts…
The ancient Greek some of us may have toiled over at school is not sufficient to judge which version is more accurate. Although the general drift of both translations is broadly the same, there is a fundamental difference between ‘heights of Olympus’ and ‘heavenly houses’, and between ‘ruled by Chronos’ and ‘at the time of Chronos’. What will the translation sound like in the year 2100? And what was the original sense and meaning in Hesiod’s time?
His account goes on: after the ‘golden race’ the gods created a second, lesser race, a ‘silver race’. This race was still created by the same gods, those who ‘dwell in the heights of Olympus’, or, perhaps, ‘dwell in heavenly houses’. This ‘silver race’ was of a lower order than the golden race, both in form and out look, and was made up of ‘softies’, whose mothers pampered them.
After this came: ‘... a third race of noisy people’. These were of ‘great strength and force’, and ‘from their shoulders grew huge limbs’. This race is supposed to have been obdurate and
obstinate, and its agricultural tools were made of metal. But this race too was a disappointment apparently, and so Chronos created a fourth as well: that of the heroes or half‐gods.
We modem people, according to Hesiod, belong to the fifth race, the iron race. We are a mixture of ‘good and evil’, and experience joy and pain. But when things degenerate to such a nextent that children no longer resemble their fathers, hosts no longer welcome their guests, and brothers no longer love one another, then our race too will be destroyed in the name of Zeus.
Hesiod gives a vivid, detailed description, including all the finer points of the weapons involved, of the battle between the gods and the Titans. Although the latter had been created by the gods themselves, they had to vanish from the face of the earth. A terrible struggle broke out, in which even father god Zeus got involved, hurling from the skies great exploding bolts of lightning, missiles which made the seas boil, burned whole regions and brought the earth to its trembling knees. Hesiod uses many pages to describe the slaughter, but I will quote only a short excerpt from the 1817 translation:
‘Up above too, the Titans consolidated their squadrons ... loudly did the earth quake, and the dome of heaven boomed … and straight from heaven and from Olympus rushed in the Thunderer, with a flash of lightning. Blow fell upon blow, with rumbling and flashing of fire ... holy flames intertwined … the fertile sprouting earth flamed up and the great forests collapsed in the fury of fire… then the holy winds caught fire too, so that the eyes of even the strongest were blinded … as if the domed heaven descended close to the earth, the loudest, most thunderous noise vented itself … the gods stormed in to the fray, the winds blew wildly and whirled up dust and destruction ... then Zeus sent his sublime missile ...and awful clamor arose…‘
Such a battle was not waged with earthly means. Something very similar, but with even more dreadful weapons, is described in the Indian epic The Mahabharata. There, too, different races of gods do battle with each other:
‘The unknown weapon is radiant lightning, a frightful messenger of death, which turns to ashes all who belong to the Vrishni and the Andhaka. The bodies consumed by fire were unrecognizable. Those who escaped with their lives lost their hair and their nails. Clay pots broke without cause, the birds turned white. In a short while food became poisonous. The lightning fell to earth and became fine dust.’
And what did Gilgamesh say, when his friend Enkidu died in great pain after encountering the divine monster Chumbaba? ‘Was it perhaps the poisonous breath of the heavenly beast which struck you?’
The Mahabharata versions available in German are all edited and shortened. Since I can’t read Sanskrit, I have to refer mainly to the many volume versions in English. The similarities with Hesiod are too compelling to be simply over looked. It was as if the elements had been set free. The sun turned in circles, and burning from the weapon’s heat, the world staggered in flames. Elephants were singed by fire and ran wildly to and fro ... the water grew hot, the beasts died ... the thundering of the flames made the trees crash one after the other as in a forest fire.. Horses and chariots burst into flames ... thousands of chariots were destroyed, then a deep silence fell ... a terrible sight met the gaze. The corpses of the fallen were disfigured by the awful heat ... never before have we seen such a dreadful weapon, never before have we heard of such a weapon.
This is also the place to mention another cross‐reference to Gilgamesh: ‘The heavens cried out, the earth screamed out in reply. Lightning lit up, a fire flamed upwards, death rained down. The brightness vanished, the fire was extinguished. All that had been struck by the lightning turned to ashes.’
All these weapons of mass destruction—whether described by Hesiod, or in The Mahabharata, or the Epic of Gilgamesh—were used in times before written history began. If these battles of the gods had occurred in an ‘historical epoch’, we would have precise accounts with dates. Since this is clearly not the case, they must either have taken place in prehistoric times—or in the imagination. I do understand the point of view of scholars who made their commentaries on these ancient Writings before 1945. But since the end of the Second World War, since Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we ought to be a bit wiser. We now know what ‘gods’ are capable of.

Odyssey of the Gods I

In The Waking God Trilogy we claim that there is a 'god seed' within the human DNA. recently, science has told us that the genes that distinguish human from ape is in the 'junk DNA' that up to this point has been largely thought to be old stuff, sort of like an appendix, that held no real value regarding human evolution. Now we read more on Erich von Daniken who claims that the ancient Greek gods were aliens that lived and bred among us. Between von Daniken, the Waking God books, the History Channel shows on Ancient Aliens and even Tom Averna's book that claims that the 'gods' never left. you just can't help but wonder if 'something' is about to happen to humanity that will rock the very foundation of its existence.

In Odyssey of the Gods, Erich von Däniken explores the Greek myths, with which so many have grown up. One of these age‐old legends is the exploits of Jason and the Argonauts as they go in search of the Golden Fleece. But do we at all remember that when we actually read these legends, it says that this Golden Fle
When von Däniken delved into the myths of the Greek gods that lived on Mount Olympus, he found how a translation from 1817 specifically described these deities as “they who dwell on the heights of Olympus”, while a 1970 translation renders the same sentence as “dwelling heavenly houses”. More and more, these Greek myths are translated “freely” and while doing so, certain key information that shows that the Greeks considered these gods to be far more real and present, is slowly substituted with the idea that they believed the gods to be more idealized and imaginary. He notes this is a global phenomenon, as all versions of the Indian Mahabharata have all been edited and shortened in recent decades, thus losing vital information on the true nature of the gods.
The Greeks were also very clear on the fact that their gods were able to do miraculous healings, showing that what many consider to be a Christian phenomenon had far older roots. But what is clear – not just in the Greek culture, but even in the Bible – is that these gods had offspring. There are even passages that show how women died in childbirth, as the children they had begotten from these deities were larger than human beings, resulting in great problems during childbirth.
With all of these legends, it should not come as a surprise that in the early 20th century, an object now known as the Antikythera Device was unearthed from a sunken Greek ship. Today, the device is known to be an astronomical clock, demonstrating the astronomical knowledge the Greeks possessed. Not coincidentally, astronomy was said to be one of the sciences given by the gods to Mankind.
For forty years, Erich von Däniken has argued for the veracity of the ancient myths and legends: that they speak of genuine encounters with beings that were superior, as these creatures were extra‐terrestrial. But today, the stand‐off between science and the “evidence” that has been left behind by these early cultures, remains. But myths have been proven to be factual. And nowhere is this more in evidence than in the great Greek legend of the mythical city of Troy, one of the first recorded myths of Ancient Greece. For millennia, it was thought that this city did not exist, until Heinrich Schliemann discovered Troy, and proved that the myth was real.
With all this in mind, von Däniken tackles the greatest Greek “legend” of them all: that of the lost civilization of Atlantis, which science states never existed, and is purely an idealized state… even though the ancient Greeks were vociferous about its reality, even sending emissaries to Egypt to confirm that the story of Atlantis was factual. With that in mind, are we not close to having to accept the reality of this lost civilization… and the physical reality of the Ancient Greek gods?

Will 2012 be the year when aliens return, the god seed in our genes finds spontaneous expression, and when our entire notion of who and what we are is revealed? Tic, tock!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?